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President Biden and Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, took to Twitter late Wednesday to express their disappointment after the Senate failed to pass two major election bills—which was all but certain.Biden said he was “profoundly disappointed” that the Senate “failed to stand up for our democracy.” But he also assured followers that he is “not deterred.”SINEMA AND MANCHIN SPURN SCHUMER, VOTE AGAINST NUKING FILIBUSTER Schumer struck a similar tone. He insisted that inaction “in not an option on voting rights,” and he laid out the game plan going forward. “We’re going to vote on changing Senate rules for these bills. The Senate must choose in favor of our democracy. The Senate must stand up and defend voting rights,” the New York Democrat tweeted. The vote was all but dead on arrival after Democrat Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema refused to join their own party in changing Senate rules to overcome a Republican filibuster. Sen. Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, also tweeted that the Democrats who voted with Schumer supported shattering “the soul of the Senate for short-term power.””Fortunately, a bipartisan majority saved the Senate and ensured that millions and millions of Americans’ voices will not be silenced,” he posted.