A hotline was exchanged between the Indian Army and China’s People’s Liberation Army on the occasion of 73rd Republic Day on Wednesday. Union Minister Kiren Rijiju said that the Chinese troops “responded positively”, indicating handing over of 17-year-old boy from Arunachal Pradesh soon.“Hotline exchanged on Republic Day by Indian Army with Chinese PLA. PLA responded positively indicating handing over of our national and suggested a place of release. They are likely to intimate date and time soon,” he said.“17-year-old youth Miram Tarom of Zido, Arunachal Pradesh was reportedly captured by Chinese PLA across the Line of Actual Control. Indian Army immediately contacted PLA through a hotline, assistance from PLA has been sought to locate and return him as per protocol,” a defence ministry PRO from Tezpur had earlier said.On January 19, Arunachal East MP Tapir Gao claimed that a 17-year-old youth has been abducted from inside Indian territory. Gao claimed that the youth was ‘abducted’ from Arunachal Pradesh’s Upper Siang district.Gao further claimed that China’s PLA has abducted the youth from where the Tsangpo River enters India in Arunachal Pradesh.He tweeted, “Chinese PLA has abducted Sh Miram Taron, 17 years of Zido vill. yesterday 18th Jan 2022 from inside Indian territory, Lungta Jor area (China-built 3-4 km road inside India in 2018) under Siyungla area (Bushing village) of Upper Siang dist., Arunachal Pradesh.”In his tweet, Gao had tagged Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh and the Indian Army.Read all the Latest News, Breaking News and Coronavirus News here.