On a day when Kerala reported over 51,000 new COVID-19 cases, Health Minister Veena George on Tuesday said the rate of spread of coronavirus in the state has come down compared to the first and second weeks of January. Kerala on Tuesday reported 51,887 cases raising the caseload to 60,77,556 in the state. The state was showing an average TPR of 47.6 per cent for the last seven days.The minister said the state witnessed a 45 per cent spread in the first week of January which went high up to 215 per cent in the third week of the month. “However, the rate of the spread came down to 71 per cent in the fourth week of January and again decreased to 16 per cent in the last week,” George told the media here.The minister said currently, only 42.47 per cent of ICU beds in the state are being used by both the COVID and non-COVID patients. “At least 84 per cent of the ventilators are vacant now,” she said. Explaining the revised guidelines for international passengers coming in to Kerala, George said those who are visiting the state for less than seven days need not undergo quarantine but should strictly follow COVID-19 guidelines as instructed by the Centre.The state health department also issued new guidelines for the hospitals with regard to the circumstances of Omicron spread. “The patients who are admitted in the hospitals, or in emergency need to be tested for COVID-19 only if they show symptoms. The doctors can suggest for the COVID-19 tests if necessary,” the minister said, adding that hospitals must not refuse treatment to any patient if they have the facilities.”Till now, the government has allotted Rs 3.90 crore for assistance to 103 COVID orphans. A total of 143 applications were received. Rs 3 lakh each will be deposited in the account and Rs 2,000 per month will be paid till they attain 18 years of age,” she said. COVID orphans are those children who have lost both their parents to COVID-19. The education expenses of such children till their graduation will be given from the Chief Minister’s Disaster Relief Fund.Read all the Latest News, Breaking News and Union Budget 2022 updates here.