Stephen and Ayesha Curry opened up about how they keep things “spicy” after 10 years of marriage.“For us it’s just not forgetting to date each other, make the time to get dressed up and go out and do all the things,” Ayesha Curry said in an interview with Access Hollywood released Monday. “That’s what keeps it, you know, spicy.”When asked about attending the Met Gala in September, where Stephen Curry was captured in photos admiring his wife on the red carpet, the Golden State Warriors star said he was “just seeing how beautiful she looked.”“If you keep it spicy like that, I think that’s how we got 10 years and hopefully 10 years more,” he said.Stephen and Ayesha Curry at the 2021 Met Gala on Sept. 13, 2021, in New York City.John Shearer via Getty ImagesThe Currys wed in 2011 and have three children: Riley, Ryan and Canon.They often publicly gush over each other on social media.Last month, Ayesha Curry shared a photo of her husband on Instagram from his cover shoot with GQ.“Good gracious God almighty @stephencurry30…” she wrote in the caption. “My baby’s @gq cover shoot.”Stephen Curry swooned over the restaurateur in an Instagram post celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary in August.“Never a day goes by I’m not thankful for your presence, your beauty, your spirit!” he wrote in the caption. “Sexy as can be inside and out & continuing to show me how amazing our God is by the creation that you are. Blessed me with the 3 of the dopest humans around.”He later added that he was excited for the next chapters ahead, saying that he was still “in love with my best friend.”Despite the many compliments the couple receives from commenters online, the two are sometimes subjected to negative remarks about their relationship.Last month, Ayesha Curry reportedly shot down rumors that she and the NBA star are in an open relationship.“Don’t disrespect my marriage like that. Please and thank you,” she wrote in a since-deleted response to an internet troll on Instagram, according to TMZ and The Shade Room.The Currys have been promoting their new HBO Max celebrity couple game show, “About Last Night,” which is set to hit the streaming service on Feb. 10.