Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi on Tuesday held a virtual meeting with the Vice-Chancellors of State and Central Universities and reviewed the activities relating to Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, an initiative by the Centre to celebrate 75 years of India’s Independence.“The Vice-Chancellors briefed the Governor on various activities and initiatives undertaken by the universities and also discussed their future plan of action,” an official communication from the Raj Bhavan said.The Governor, who is the Chancellor of State universities, appreciated the initiatives taken by them and urged them to celebrate the event in such a manner that instils a sense of pride among the younger generations about all those who gave their lives for the country’s independence.“He also urged them to set up chairs in the names of freedom fighters and leaders of our nation like Subramaniya Bharathiyar, V.O. Chidambaram Pillai, Veerapandiya Kattabomman to fulfil their vision of building a great India,” it said.The Governor also advised the Vice-Chancellors to constitute teams of scholars to deliberate and produce documents outlining the contours of India in 2047. He drew their attention to the fact that the post-Corona world order is likely to be different from the one that emerged after the second World War when India was still a colony. He urged them to work on strategy papers for India to have its due place in the new order.Mr. Ravi also shared with them some reports in the British archives that showed how prosperous India was at the beginning of the colonisation and urged them to commission researches on India’s economic status in the 17th and 18th centuries.