Telangana recorded another 162 COVID cases, including the five samples collected from Hyderabad international airport, on Friday, taking the total number of active cases to 3,547. The reports of as many as 4,267 people are awaited, which has been the pattern in the last few days.According to the health bulletin issued by Director of Public Health Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao, one person succumbed to the virus, taking the total death count to 4,019.The number of total infected rose to 6.81 lakh and with 210 recoveries, the total number of those recovered is 6.73 lakh. About 35,037 tests were conducted and the results of 15 airport cases to check for Omicron are awaited while 10 passengers who had tested positive for the emerging variant had recovered.A new column on recovery of patients was introduced in the bulletin on Friday. GHMC reported 83 cases, Rangareddy 24, Medchal-Malkajgiri and Nalgonda eight and Hanamkonda 10 cases.Around 3.31 lakh people got vaccinated taking the total number to 4.52 crore, including 65,234 for first dose and 2.67 lakh for second dose. This means 2.76 crore people took the first dose and 1.77 crore took the second dose till date, the release added.