Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Saturday, called up Telangana BJP president Bandi Sanjay Kumar to inquire about his recent incarceration and subsequent release from Karimnagar jail when he was staging a hunger strike in support of the employees agitating against GO 317 zonal transfers.Party sources claimed that in the 15-minute conversation, Modi appreciated the fighting spirit of Mr. Sanjay Kumar in support of the people’s causes and wanted him to continue in the same manner in a democratic way. The TS chief explained the circumstances that led him to take up the protest programme and about how the police broke open his office with gas cutters to forcibly whisk him away to prison even while thrashing other party workers mercilessly.Mr. Modi apparently was surprised over the party president going to jail for nine times – two in the current regime and others during the Congress governments for participating in agitational programmes. The PM was said to be have observed that the TRS Government had targetted the MP as it as unnerved with the growing popularity of the BJP in TS.The PM asked about the well being of the injured party workers and urged Mr. Sanjay Kumar to provide them necessary support. Mr. Sanjay Kumar also thanked the national leadership for standing by him with president J.P. Nadda and others visiting him expressing their solidarity. He expressed regret over the recent Punjab incident where the Prime Minister’s convoy was stuck in a flyover, they added.