IRCTC UPDATES: Indian Railways has decided to cancel 400 trains, changed originating station of 24 and short terminated 28 due to operational reasons and foggy weather on Friday, January 21. Among those cancelled are trains that operates between New Delhi, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Bihar, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, and Assam. On Thursday, 13 Delhi-bound trains were running late due to fog.According to Northern Railways’ Chief Public relation Officer, the list of delayed trains includes Howrah-New Delhi Express, Puri- New Delhi Express and Mumbai- New Delhi Express, Gorakhpur- New Delhi Express and Kanpur- New Delhi Express among others. Additionally, the operations of 20 trains originating from West Bengal is going to remain affected between January 20 and 25.The delay on the route is being caused by the proposed three-hour block for the construction of a road overbridge on the Dhanbad and Howrah route. Railways had also cancelled services of 437 trains on Thursday.The authorities have urged passengers planning to travel in long-distance trains to check or NTES app to get the details of the actual arrival-departure of trains.According to the national transporter, in case you have booked tickets through IRCTC, then you do not need to cancel e-ticket if your train has been cancelled by the railways as the ticket will automatically get cancelled and you will get a refund in your bank account in 3 to 7 days. But if you have booked tickets through PRS counter, you need to to collect by visiting the PRS counter and filling the related form.
(Image: 1: Visit: and select the date of journey (Image: 2: Select Exceptional Trains on the top panel of the screen and click on Cancelled Trains (Image: 3: Select Fully or Partially option to see full list of trains with time, routes and other details.Read all the Latest News, Breaking News and Coronavirus News here.