Kharar police booked four women for allegedly assaulting a woman constable at Kharar (city) police station on Monday. The accused have not been arrested by the police. Those booked were identified as Neha Singh, Preet and Baljinder Kaur and Baby Singh. The accused women were booked on the complaint of constable Mandeep Kaur.
The complainant alleged that the accused had come to the police station in connection with a complaint and after entering the police station, started creating nuisance.
“I intervened while they (accused) were making nuisance, when I tried to stop, one of them assaulted me and also bit my finger,” the complainant said. A case under sections 323 (assault), 186 (voluntarily obstructing a public servant from discharge of their duty), 353 (assault or criminal force to deter public servant from discharge of their duty) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) were registered at Kharar (city) police station.