Secunderabad Cantonment residents ask how they are a threat

Published: Updated On – 10:24 PM, Tue – 15 March 22

Residents of Cantonment took to Twitter to express their ire over
closure of roads by Local Military Authority. Photo: Surya Sridhar

Hyderabad: Dissent is simmering across the Secunderabad Cantonment over the illegal closure of roads by the Local Military Authority, with many questioning why civilians were being treated as threats in their own courtyard.
The exasperation was perhaps best expressed in the words of senior citizen Rangacharyulu Amaravadi, who on Tuesday took to Twitter, addressing IT Minister KT Rama Rao and pointed out that being an 80-year-old affected by the SCB road restrictions/closure, it was pertinent to ask whose security the LMA was concerned about.

“If it is that of their men, how come they are allowed to mingle freely and move around in the civilian areas? If it is the security of their assets and ammunition, the well trained and disciplined military force cannot be doubted on that score as they are the guardians of national security,” the senior citizen said, stating that segregation of military areas was “colonial highhandedness being perpetrated in the name of so-called security”.
“Surprisingly, the restrictions do not apply to retired military personnel and their families! Are the civilians any less patriotic? Now, who is more civil!?” the elderly citizen from Sainikpuri said.
With the seething anger among the residents of the Cantonment spilling out onto the streets in the form of signature campaigns and candlelight marches, another Twitter user, Adithya M Reddy, said Secunderabad needed its own separate master plan including for areas of the Cantonment.
“All that the citizens demand are basics! Request Govt to convene all-party meet and resolve!” (sic) he tweeted. Another resident, Akhilesh Singi, pointed out that even after 75 years of independence, people in the Cantonment were still asking for basic lights, roads and access.
On the other hand, Green Sainikpuri, the Twitter handle of the Federation of Northeastern Colonies of Secunderabad, asked whether the LMA was permitted with special powers from the Army Headquarters to shut roads illegally. The Federation also asked whether the Defence Minister and the Ministry supported such acts and pointed out that their own orders were being ignored by the LMA.
“National politicians should understand the real issue and work to resolve, not for their political points. Civilians too are Indians,” the Federation stated. The Federation of New Bolarum Colonies and Federation of Northern Hyderabad Colonies RWAs also declared support to the cause, tweeting to the Defence Minister saying it was high time the road closure issue was sorted out.
“Public is being inconvenienced by cutting off their road connectivity in the core of the city! You are just stopping development!” (sic) the Federation said.

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