Eileen Gu survives a fall to make the big air final as Chinese fans roar approval

The Olympic big air venue is on the site of an old steel mill at Beijing’s Shougang Industrial Park. (Selina Wang/CNN)The big air event is being held at the Shougang Industrial Park, once the site of a Chinese state-owned steel company and the burning heart of industrial Beijing.Today, it’s a bustling hub for tourism and art exhibitions — and the site of the only snow event in the Beijing Olympics zone.The big furnaces and tall chimneys of the old steel mill, built in 1919, are now stamped with the Beijing 2022 logo, ringed by a frozen lake and brown reeds. Spectators can also see a pagoda perched atop a mountain in the distance, overlooking the industrial park.Views from the Shougang Industrial Park on Monday. (Selina Wang/CNN)What is big air? Skiers launch off a 60 meter-high (196-foot) ramp and are scored for the size, style and difficulty of their jump. Each competitor has three attempts to get the highest score possible.As each run is just one jump, skiers will throw down their biggest and best tricks in hope of Olympic glory.And unlike many of the mountain events, the stands are close to the action — giving the fans a front row seat.

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