Deer blocks US mail carrier from delivering a letter. Watch video

A US mail carrier was blocked by a deer as she headed to drop a letter in a house in Duluth in Minnesota. The mail carrier, Fanjie Nelson, was quoted as saying by UPI she was delivering mail to a Duluth neighbourhood early in the morning when she came face to face with a deer that blocked the front walkway of a home.

Nelson posted a video of her encounter with the deer on YouTube. In the video, the woman is seen showing the letter to the deer. She is heard saying, “You can have it, no? Take my mail. You better back up. You have it. You live here, right? Isn’t this your house? Take it, what’s your name?”
Watch the video:
The deer moves backwards to the front of the house and the camera pans to show another deer standing beside the house. The deer still stands in the way to the house and sniffs the letter. It treads back and Nelson laughs while saying, “You are on the porch now, watch out. What are you doing?”
The animal then turns back to look at the door of the house and moves towards the other deer standing in the snow-covered area. “Did you live here or not? That’s what I thought,” Nelson says.
The 1:35 minute clip posted by Nelson has been viewed more than 1,000 times so far. “Another great day of delivering mail in the Northland!” a user wrote in the caption of the video. “You are my favourite mail person!” commented another user.

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