Biden visits site of collapsed Pittsburgh bridge

President Biden spoke with local officials following the morning collapse of a bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, ahead of his own trip to the area, where he is due to discuss revitalizing the nation’s roads and bridges among other topics.Biden was briefed on the collapse and spoke with Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and Sen. Bob Casey, who was with Wolf at the time of the President’s call, according to White House principal deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.“Our team remains in touch with state and local officials on the ground to on the ground on updates, and any additional assistance we can provide,” Jean-Pierre said.Gainey said in a tweet that he looked forward to seeing Biden “soon.”Jean-Pierre declined to provide a scheduling update on whether the President plans to visit the bridge.“This is a tragic situation,” she said, expressing gratitude to the first responders.“Too many bridges across the country are in poor condition,” she said when asked whether the President intended to address the collapse in his remarks, though the live feed of the in-flight gaggle cut out before the end of her response.Once in Pittsburgh, Biden will visit Mill 19 for a tour of Carnegie Mellon’s Manufacturing Futures Initiative, a manufacturing research and development project aimed at artificial intelligence, automation and robotics, Jean-Pierre said. He will discuss economic progress, manufacturing jobs, US competitiveness abroad, infrastructure, and efforts to address supply chain bottlenecks, among other topics, during his remarks, Jean-Pierre added.

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