Seth Meyers Pinpoints When ‘You’re About To Hear Some Bulls**t’ On Fox News

“Late Night” comedian Seth Meyers on Monday slammed right-wing conspiracy theories about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in particular ripping a dubiously sourced claim from Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo.Bartiromo at the weekend cited on her show “some people” who told her President Joe Biden’s administration does not see Russian President Vladimir Putin as an enemy but instead “as a partner.”“All right, that sentence right there is how you know you’re about to hear some bullshit,” said Meyers. “First of all, you’re kicking things off with some unsourced weekend gossip?”“That’s how my writers start off their Monday morning excuses,” he cracked.“What on earth are you talking about? You think Biden sees Putin as a partner?” Meyers added, noting how former President Donald Trump is the one who “desperately lavishes praise on Putin every chance he gets.”Watch Meyers’ full monologue here:

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